School attendance is a priority at Croftlands Junior School as school is where the children learn best.
You must contact school on 01229 585211 if your child is going to be absent for any reason. We do need to know the reason for the absence so that it can be recorded correctly on the register.
The office is staffed from 8:30am until 4pm and messages can be left outside those hours.
For safeguarding reasons, it is school policy to follow up unexplained absences. We always ring home if we have not been informed of the reason for an absence and we will ring all contact numbers if there is no one at home.
Routine medical and dental examinations should be arranged outside school hours wherever possible but if these have to take place during the school day please let the office know.
Family holidays should be taken during the school holidays. In 2013, the Government removed the right of the Headteacher to allow discretionary 10 day absences which covered family holidays. Schools are now required to refuse requests for holiday absence in term time.
If it is absolutely necessary to take your child out of school during term time, you must complete a Notification of Leave of Absence form to advise school of the absence. This form can be collected from the school office.
Headteachers are still allowed to grant a leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. However, such circumstances are rare. If you consider the reasons for the request to be exceptional, you must arrange to speak to the Headteacher to discuss the matter. Authorisation will only be given following discussion with the Headteacher and will not be given for test weeks or the week immediately prior to test weeks. Any holiday or event that could be arranged during school holiday periods will not be authorised during the school term, including weddings.
An unauthorised absence from school is any absence that is deemed not to be an acceptable reason for missing school. Unauthorised absences from school carry the risk of prosecution under section 444 or 444(1A) of the Education Act 1996.
In accordance with Cumbria County Council's School Absence Enforcement policy, parents may be issued with a penalty notice if a leave of absence is taken without permission.
Illness during the school day
If a child has an accident or is ill at school, and we feel they would be better at home, we will endeavour to contact you. If we are unable to contact you, we will keep your child safe in school or, if necessary, contact your family doctor, NHS 111 or the A& E department at Furness General Hospital.
If your child needs medicine during the school day then the medicine should be in its original packaging and clearly labelled with the child's name and the dosage. It should be brought to the school office where parents will be asked to complete and sign a consent form.
We are able to administer paracetamol during the school day if required but will only do so after we have contacted an adult with parental responsibility.