‘Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way’ (DfE statutory guidance)
Relationships Education is now compulsory in all primary schools and Health Education is compulsory in all state-funded schools. We include the statutory Relationships and Health Education within our whole-school PSHE Programme.
Here at Croftlands Junior School, we value PSHE as one way to support children’s development as human beings, to enable them to understand and respect who they are, to empower them with a voice and to equip them for life and learning.
Using Jigsaw, a mindful approach to PSHE, as our chosen teaching and learning programme means we can tailor it to your child’s needs. The mapping document in our policy, shows exactly how Jigsaw, and therefore our school, meets the statutory Relationships and Health Education requirements. This programme’s complimentary update policy ensures we are always using the most up to date teaching materials and that our teachers are well-supported.
Our policy can be found on the following link