Together we Nurture Respect, Resilience, Kindness, Curiosity, Compassion and Creativity.

Croftlands Junior School


Skills Progression Document

Our Mathematics Intent

When our children leave us at the end of Year 6, we want them to be curious about, capable of and resilient in mathematics.  It is essential that our children are fluent in number operations; able to manipulate number with confidence, using mental and written methods.  Our children should be able to reason mathematically and be creative in their approach to solving mathematical problems.  We want children to enjoy mathematics and be able to tackle mathematical challenges with determination.  We will give our children opportunities to master mathematical concepts and apply their skills, knowledge and reasoning to mathematical problems in a variety of wider contexts.  It is important that our children are able to make sense of mathematical problems through other subjects, for example, gathering, representing and interpreting statistical data about a local workhouse census in their history lessons about Victorian Ulverston.  Mathematics is meaningful at Croftlands Junior School and not just simply about recalling facts and formulae.

The Implementation and Enrichment of our Mathematics:


We ensure there is a focus on fluency in arithmetic skills through KS2.  Children encounter daily practice of key skills in mathematics.  These key skills underpin the development of more complex mathematical concepts and application of skills to problem solving - mastery.   


We follow the scheme of work outlined in WhiteRose mathematics.  Our curriculum builds on skills and knowledge sequentially so children make sustained progress.  We ensure children practise key skills in arithmetic so they become confident and efficient in manipulating and calculating with number.  Children are praised for their efforts and encouraged to challenge themselves.   Children use their mathematics in STEM workshops and activities such as Lego League, Food Tech activities, Gardening Club, Forest Schools and outdoor learning.


Teachers are confident in their teaching of mathematics.  They adapt their teaching to ensure every child makes progress in mathematics - we teach to the potential.  You might see our children participating in additional booster mathematics sessions, when we feel doing so will enable our children to grow in confidence and master particular skills. 



