PLEASE NOTE: We are a nut-free school so please do not send any food with nut products into school.
School meals are provided by Orian.
Our on-site school kitchen provides hot meals, including a vegetarian option, every day. The menus are on the School Hub website and meals must be pre-ordered. Alternatives of sandwiches or jacket potatoes with a choice of fillings are usually available every day and fruit or yoghurt are always available. Special meals and diets can be usually be catered for by prior arrangement.
For those children requiring school meals, payment is required in advance and made through School Hub, our online booking system. The current charge is £3.00 per meal and lunches should be ordered by 9:30am.
We arrange a School Hub account for all our parents on admission.
Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch and should also bring their own water bottle. Other drinks are discouraged. We ask that a piece of fruit or a vegetable such as carrot sticks be included in the the lunch box.
Biscuits and crisps are allowed as part of the packed lunch but no sweets.
Free School Meals
Free school meals are available for those who qualify and the school also receives additional funding (Pupil Premium) for every child registered (even if they do not wish to take the meal).
Pupil Premium funding is provided for every child registered for the following 6 years.
If you think you are eligible, please register online on the Schools and Learning area of the Cumbria County Council website.
We are able to provide milk for the children and it must be ordered and paid for in advance through the Coolmilk website. School provides milk for children receiving Free School Meals.
Details are available from the school office.
Water is always available in school but children should bring their own water bottle. If they do not have a water bottle, one will be provided for them.
We discourage any other drinks and nothing fizzy should be brought to school.
Fresh fruit may be sent in to school for a snack but please do not send in dried fruit as it is very bad for the children's teeth. We do not allow sweets or crisps as snacks.