Together we Nurture Respect, Resilience, Kindness, Curiosity, Compassion and Creativity.

Croftlands Junior School


SENDIASS - SEND Information And Support Services

Croftlands Junior School Local Offer

Each child is a valued member of the school community and the school's Special Educational Needs policy is one of integration and inclusion. This reflects the requirements of the Children and Families Act 2014 and the associated regulations,  the SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 years 2015 and the philosophy stated within the National Curriculum.

We are an inclusive school and work hard to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children, which is adapted to meet individual needs and abilities within the classroom, with support where necessary. Children may have particular needs at any time during, or throughout, their school career. Our policy ensures that curriculum planning and assessment takes account of the type and extent of the strength or difficulty experienced by individual pupils.

Individual support is provided for children with Educational Health Care Plans or specific difficulties, and groups are organised to develop and extend particular skills and concepts. If appropriate, the school involves other agencies, including health, social care, Local Authority support services and voluntary sector organisations to meet the needs of children and families.

Children’s progress is monitored carefully and pupils with special educational needs are identified as early as possible.  Close communication between school, home and outside agencies is encouraged in order to ensure that concerns are shared and acted upon so that individual needs are met.

Parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are kept fully informed of their progress and are engaged in effective communication, in order to provide individual educational plans (IEPs) that meet the needs of the child. Pupil participation is important to us and we encourage children to be fully involved in their learning and target setting. Children are supported in developing their confidence and self-esteem, and in recognising their achievements in all aspects of school life.

Our SEND policy can be downloaded from the Policies and Procedures page of this website.

Appointments may be made to meet with Mrs McMillan, the Special Educational Needs Coordinator, who provides direct help and advice to parents, staff and pupils.
