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Croftlands Junior School

Uniform Information

We embrace an active curriculum, so our uniform is chosen because it is practical and comfortable, whilst still enabling a sense of identity and belonging within our school.   Our active uniform means there is no need for a separate PE kit!


We have a Nearly New Uniform shop with a wealth of sizes of all our uniform items.  Please do let Miss Mahon know if you would like support with purchasing items for your child.


School uniform is as follows:

  • School sweatshirt OR a cardigan OR hoodie OR a zoodie with logo (the combinations allow the children to wear layers if we have another winter with all the windows open!)
  • White polo shirt (logo optional)
  • Plain black or plain grey jogging bottoms or leggings or shorts (non-branded – no logos, stripes etc.) 
  • Black trainers
  • To support our outdoor play, parents are also asked to provide a pair of wellies and waterproof trousers if at all possible.
  • Black plimsolls for indoor PE.


Optional Uniform


More traditional school uniform may be worn if preferred but children MUST wear the uniform above on the days they have PE.   


  • School sweatshirt with logo
  • White polo shirt (logo optional)
  • Grey trousers or shorts]Grey skirt or pinafore
  • Red gingham dress
  • Black, flat shoes.


  • We ask that nail varnish and shaved hair designs are not encouraged - these are not appropriate for school.   
  • Long hair must be tied back during PE and cooking lessons.
  • No jewellery, other than a watch and one pair of ear studs is allowed.   Children must be able to remove their own earring for all PE lessons, including swimming.


Full details of our uniform, along with information about suppliers, can be found in our policy which is available here.
