‘The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow’ - Nelson Mandela
Each year, two pupils from every class (one child from each year group) are elected by their peers to join our School Council and represent the views of the children in their class, ensuring all pupils are given the opportunity to have their voices heard and respected.
Under the guidance of a member of staff, our school council meet regularly to discuss all aspects of school-life, from play times to curriculum content, and changes are implemented from these meetings, teaching our young people the value of how contribution and action leads to change.
Discussions are mostly led by pupil passions, supporting a sense of responsibility and ownership amongst the children. All pupils are actively encouraged to discuss issues and concerns, and to use curiosity and creativity to consider solutions to the topics raised, making them all an important part of the whole school community.
At Croftlands Junior School, we strongly value pupil voice and the important role our school council play in making our school a success. Through our School Council, we aim to nurture compassion, kindness, curiosity, creativity, resilience and respect in all.